
Arsi Baron, also known by her spirit name, Shikoba, is an intuitive holistic healer.

The name Shikoba was revealed to Arsi in December of 2012 during a meditation. When she researched the name, she learned that Shikoba’s motto might be “I think, therefore I am.” She enjoys research and analysis — preferably in a context of peace and quiet — and is fascinated by all that is original and cutting-edge.

It was the perfect fit.

When Arsi works with clients, she becomes a vessel for her clients’ angels and master guides to direct the healing sessions. When she sets her intention, the magic and the miracle that get created for her clients is truly amazing. Arsi’s clients give their permission, by being present and asking for healing, and she becomes the receiver of the messages they are supposed to be getting.

As a holistic healer, Arsi uses a small batch made Lucia N°03 light for therapeutic purposes and provides a number of other hands-on energy healing services.

· Kundalini Yoga Instructor
· Master Instructor in Integrated Energy Therapy
· Reiki Practitioner
· Soul Memory Discovery Facilitator
· Guided meditation instructor
· Neuro Linguistic Programming Practitioner (NLP)
· Andan Shaman

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