
Learn how to Connect with your Spirit

Hello beautiful souls,

I  am often get asked how I connect with my spirit and how I get answers. Learning to trust myself and the information that comes through has been one of the most challenging parts of this process. Alas, once I gave in, once I let go of self-doubt, things started to change and I started to listen and my hands-on energy healing clients started telling me how I was spot on.  Now, many of my clients want to learn how to connect with their spirit by themselves and how to get their own answers. That’s why I’m holding a class to teach you step by step on how to do it and where you are getting stuck and how to move through it. Here are the steps:

1- Find a comfortable and quiet place where you won’t be distributed by anyone or any pet. I don’t know about you but my pets seem to know exactly when I’m connected to a higher vibration and seem to be right in my face at that time.

2- Focus on your breath for a few minutes, just breathing in and out, paying attention to your breath, this process will bring you to the present moment.

3- Connect with your heart, bring your attention to your heart, while you are aware of your breath, to me it seems like I start breathing into my heart chakra.

4- Now start focusing on your feet. See, visualize, imagine your energy going through your heart to your feet and down into the center of the earth. Once you reach here slowly and gently bring it right back through your feet into your heart chakra, pause here for a few seconds and make a connection to your heart. Now gently bring your energy up through your throat chakra and then out your crown chakra straight up into the heavens as far as you can imagine. As your energy reaches the heavens, slowly and gently bring it back down through your crown, then your heart, then your feet and into earth. Do this three times, at the end of the third time, as you bring your energy down from the heavens, let it set in your heart chakra.

5- Now that you are in your heart chakra, imagine a white light right in your heart that expands out up to the heavens, down to the center of earth and out into your aura.

6- Now are you ready to ask any questions from your guides and your higher self and wait for the answers. The answers may come in many different ways, you might hear an answer, you might see an imagine, you might sense the answer, there might be just a knowing that you have the answer in your mind. And if there is nothing, have faith, it will come later, maybe when you are talking to a friend, or shopping or doing anything else, you will get the answer, have faith.

For those of you who would like to practice this process with me, you will be happy to know that I’ll be teaching this class on November 19th. Sign up Now

Much love, Arsi

#Spirit #listen to spirit #white light #heart #heartchakra  #earth #centerofearth #feet #crownchakra #crown #answers #guidance

Quiet Mind

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