Energy Healing

Hands-on Energy Healing

Hands on Energy Healing is a safe, natural, holistic modality focusing on cleaning your aura, opening your chakras, and removing blocked energy from your body.

This type of energy healing gets “the issues out of the tissues”. We begin with a First Session, then additional sessions follow.

In the session I close my eyes and place my hands above the client to sense any variations in life-force energy. Together, we awaken your body’s inherent energy, activating all 7 chakra centers, and bring a surge of energetic flow upward and throughout your entire body. I facilitate the angelic energy flow that comes through to work directly with your body’s cellular memory and energy field to achieve your purpose for the session.

This safely and gently releases limiting energy patterns from your past, empowers and balances your present life, and helps you embody your full future potential — helping to integrate your entire lifespan. This can transform your consciousness into a state of balance, clarity, calm, comfort, happiness and freedom, giving you new purpose and direction in your life.

Some Potential Benefits of Hands-On Energy Healing:

• Painlessly releases suppressed feelings and limiting cellular memories
• Creates deep relaxation, aiding the body to release stress and tension
• Increases energy flow upward through the body and raises the body’s vibrational frequency
• Supports you in enhancing your health, life purpose, prosperity and creativity
• Empowers you to experience fulfilling loving relationships in all areas of your life
• Provides gentle, powerful support for survivors of childhood traumas such as physical and sexual abuse, alcoholic and dysfunctional families
• Supports and accelerates your self-healing at all levels — physical, emotional, mental and spiritual
• Increases your connection to your angels and helps you work with them in your life
• Awakens inner power and creates a state of happiness and freedom
• Helps with emotional clearing and spiritual growth
• Empowers you to discover and live your soul’s mission in life
• Aids in better sleep
• Brings energy, clarity, peace, comfort and contentment
• Helps you experience higher realms of consciousness


I’ve studied and become certified or a master in a number of different natural healing modalities. My clients give their permission by being present and asking for healing. When with a client, it all comes naturally and the energy flows with ease as the session is tailored specifically to the client’s needs. My intuition kicks in and I become a vessel for my client’s angels and master guides to direct the healing session. I become an “antenna” through which information is received and processed. When I set the intention, the magic and the miracle that gets created for my client is truly amazing.

30 minutes Sessions

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