
Humanity is on a fork in the road, which path will you choose?

The Great Split is Here!

Do you really believe in Karma, and think that what comes around goes around? I know for a very long time I did; I truly did but the past couple of months a new prospective has come to mind. And I’m purposefully using the word ‘prospective’ instead of ‘downloads’; I believe the word ‘download’ has been used and abused by the healing community way too much. My joke is ‘my download is better than your download’; and clearly this is a joke to bring attention to a very competitive industry; and I’m quite saddened that it is competitive and it is now an industry. Moving on with karma, I’m here to tell you that karma does exist in the 3D world but not in the 5D world which is where we are going. The fifth dimension is of course higher conscious, where is no judgment or justice sort of say because at this higher level each being will hold themselves accountable to their own thoughts and thus no action will be taken that is less then the place of this higher consciousness. Where compassion leads our daily work, where love is alive in each action we take, and we do not kill or consume animals for survive, we will be connected to our soul or higher self in a deeper manner and our actions will be lead from this space. It’s going to be a glorious way of living and as you know some people are already living this way in our world where 3D is the king that rules, where hierarchy and royalty are important and honored and everyday people are not.

Those working hard to release their karma now are on the right track. The time is now to do the love work and forgive everyone and move on. Forgiving not only those who brought hardship and heartache into our lives but also to forgive ourselves for allowing this to happen. By forgiving, you are releasing karma and making room in your being for a new way to being; a lighter, more compassionate, more understanding, more loving individual. After all, there is huge difference between 3D and 5D thus we cannot remain the same person and ascend into 5D all at the same time. We must shed what does not serve our highest best. In the Egyptian book of the dead, Anubis weights the heart of the dead against a feather and if the heart is lighter, they could pass into the afterlife.

“To the Egyptians, the heart, or ib, rather than the brain, was the source of human wisdom and the center of emotions and memory. Because of its apparent links with intellect, personality and memory, it was considered the most important of the internal organs. It could reveal the person’s true character, even after death, so the belief went, and therefore the heart was left in the deceased’s body during mummification. In the weighing of the heart rite, the heart of the deceased is weighed in the scale against the feather of the goddess Maat, who personifies order, truth, and what is right.” Published at the National Library of Medicine in July 2011.

The heart was the key to the afterlife. I support this belief, in order to make our hearts lighter, we must look inside of our heart and heal the hidden heartaches we are holding on to. By doing this, we will be erasing our old karma with all beings, past, present and future. “Everything that does not rise into consciousness comes back as destiny.” Carl Gustave Jung.

This is exactly why many of my clients are booking a hands-on energy healing session with me or even two, in order to Release their Traumatic Relationships with their family and/or friends. Some relationships are not traumatic, but there is a distance with in two family members or a block that is uneasy for my clients, and they are ready to heal it. Other clients book sessions because they have a love-hate relationship with money, or the opposite sex, or with a co-worker. Clients are becoming very creative with booking their sessions for healing; one client decided he wanted to heal his relationship with betrayal since all his partners had betrayed him.

I’ve added more hours to my schedule to keep up with demand. 

Because we are a part of the universe and there is a cellular memory in our DNA which resonates with all dimensions; that is why we can actually travel to any dimension we want. We don’t have to wait for earth to go into 5D, each of us can ascend to 12th dimension right now if we wanted to and all it takes is the love work, or having a heart that is as light as a feather.

Man and Elephant

A brief history:

Our DNA has been altered by the Anunnaki, who came to earth thousands of years ago and began experimenting with humans so that humans would work for them digging gold and supplying it to them. Later on, things changed and now they require our energy, they harvest our energy and because they are dark beings, they love to eat up our hate, fear, and continue to create division of all sorts so that humans can feel hate for one another, be fearful of their life and livelihoods, create division of all sorts, create hierarchy and jealousy as this the energy they eat up as food. Think of this way, if you eat a banana, you get charged and can go workout, if you eat pancakes or mashed potatoes you will feel drained, tired and might want to take a nap. This works the same way for the darker energies who are eating our energy.   

To this day, we can continue to be their salves by believing everything we are shown on our tele-vision, it’s even called that. Did you know we used to be giants, we were bigger than an elephant and used to use them like we use horses and donkeys now. We also, used to live for thousands of years. Since our DNA was altered our size was adjusted so that we can be smaller and can look up at them before we used to be the same size; our memories were erased so that we will not remember the truth about them and our history; our life span was cut so that we could not focus on our spirit and our true purpose in life; and our brains were altered or dumbed down so that we could not outsmart them; as you know we only use 10% or less of our brain. We used to be magnificent beings and we still out, they couldn’t take that apart.

The successful changing of the DNA

I highly recommend you do your own research about all this information, not on google but on different web browsers and follow your own instincts. Don’t think with your mind, don’t feel with your heart, go within and allow your knowing to come through. 

Where are these books now

We are literally on a fork in the road, one path leads to 5D and the other one takes us back to 3D to the same old grind. Each person will decide on their own what they choose to do. That’s why many relationships are breaking up if they haven’t already; many families have gone their separate ways, it doesn’t mean that they have stopped loving each other, it only means that each have chosen their own path.

This is the great spilt.

What will you choose?

In order to honor ourselves we must also honor our loved ones and their paths and the decisions they make regardless of what we feel is right or wrong. There is no right or wrong, this is a judgement, there is only feeling compassion and understanding. Moving to 5D takes a lot of love work; more on love work coming. I’m actually working on a project to help aide this transition with guidance, examples and exercises. In the meant time, be kind, be compassionate, and be understanding. Focus on your own ascension, led by example.

#humanity #compassion #love #understanding #5d #3d #Egypt #bookofthedead #heart #charactor #traumatic #healing #relationships #knowledge #wisdom #hidden #karma #forkontheroad #
Quiet Mind

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